When I moved to NYC thirteen years ago, this workout helped me get in shape. It also helped build my confidence to attack my problems in life head on while having so much fun.  My favorite class is at Equinox in NYC taught by instructor Akin Williams who I have followed for several years. His class teaches the basics of martial arts and boxing while you punch and kick to invigorating music blasting in the background to get your heart and body pumping!

There is always time to pack in some core exercises like push ups, planks, and crunches as well as stretching.  I always leave that class with a smile and a good sweat! It was one of the constant activities I held on to while I was going through a difficult time in my life and the class kept me motivated to stay positive.  I hope to one day teach my own class so just wait!

You don’t need to be in NYC to find a great kickboxing class in your town or city! Get started but listen to your body and start slowly. You can always increase your intensity as you get better at this cardio conditioning class.