Fibromyalgia Pain + Healthy Sleep

Fibromyalgia is a chronic health condition that can cause widespread musculoskeletal pain. ⁠

Contrary to popular belief, it does not cause systemic inflammation and it is not considered to be an autoimmune disease. Individuals may have a chief complaint of symptoms such as tenderness to touch/pressure (for at least 3 months), severe fatigue, sleep disturbance or feeling unrefreshed from sleep, impaired memory, or a reduced ability to think clearly (“foggy state” or “fibro fog”). ⁠

Sleep problems are one of the most common complaints that individuals have with this condition. Many people report not feeling like they get restful sleep because deep sleep patterns are interrupted. ⁠

Studies have detected distinct patterns in Fibromyalgia patients. Sleep deprivation may exacerbate the pain that is characteristic. Restless leg syndrome and sleep apnea (a condition where there are pauses in breathing) may also cause sleep disruption and should be considered as secondary causes of reduced sleep.⁠

Sleeping comfortably may be a huge challenge for these individuals because of the widespread body pain and multiple tender points. ⁠

Some things that may help include: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⁠

1) Sleeping on a particular side may be helpful in relieving the tension or stress on these tender points. ⁠

2) Consider using a standard or body pillow between the knees or under the back or stomach to try and alleviate pressure on the back, knees & other muscles. ⁠

3) Bringing the knees up towards the chest or raising the knees may again alleviate pressure on the hip/pelvis area and back. ⁠

4) Picking out a mattress (perhaps with body foam) that is right for that particular person can also help with sleeping comfortably. ⁠

5) Using the soothing noise machine or app such as the Calm app may also assist with having a more comfortable sleep⁠