Physical Examinations are Important!

Are you getting annual physical examinations? ⁠

Did you know that during an annual physical examination you are checking off the boxes for possible health concerns or complications? ⁠

During this COVID pandemic year, many individuals living with arthritis and autoimmune disease have neglected to keep up with thir comprehensive care due to fear of exposure to coronavirus and illness.  Physicians understand this fear however, cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease does not care about COVID.  There are some things that should be followed up during COVID as well as post COVID.  

The famous actor, Chad Boseman died this summer from colon cancer at the age of 45.  Screening should still take place with the appropriate precautions in place.

Some of these include: ⁠

✅ Hypertension screening⁠

✅ Diabetes screening⁠

✅ Checking for thyroid disease, neurological symptoms suggesting Multiple Sclerosis⁠

✅ Discussing behavioral health issues (depression and anxiety screening)⁠

✅ Checking for autoimmune conditions such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis as well as for degenerative disease (osteoarthritis)⁠

✅ Gynecological care- HPV testing, pap smears, breast and annual pelvic exam,  family planning, evaluation for endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids

✅ Dermatologic care- skin cancer screening

✅ Evaluating for GI symptoms suspicious for reflux/peptic ulcer disease, H pylori infection, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Gluten sensitivity or Celiac Disease, colon cancer screening

Many individuals with autoimmune diseases may develop other medical conditions and still need to continue to see their primary care physicians and other specialists. 

Sometimes going to see your doctor can reveal things you can or should know about your body + your health to help you to take meaningful action towards a happy healthy lifestyle. ⁠