Self Care In Doctors

Let’s talk about ⁠prioritizing self-care as a doctor⁠. ⁠

I was recently interviewed for an article on things doctors wish they knew before the resident match. ⁠

It may sound cliché, but doctors are trained to “do no harm” and put patients first, which is why this one is so important to remember. ⁠

Prioritizing yourself for your patients and others who depend on you will make you a better, much happier doctor. ⁠

Being a physician and helping people improve their quality of life is something I wanted to do since I was a little child. I felt it was a calling. I’m proud of the long journey I have been on and the noble profession I am a part of. However, this doesn’t mean that I should sacrifice all the other aspects of my life in order to be a good doctor. ⁠

Physician burnout is a very prevalent issue in our healthcare system, and it will continue if our doctors aren’t happy or getting enough time to decompress and rest. Physician burnout may lead to physician suicide in some cases. ⁠

Worry about the things you can control, which are your hobbies, vacation or free time. Find what makes you happy outside of medicine and prioritize it. ⁠

Whether it’s quality time with family, fitness, travel, writing, etc., your overall wellness must take precedent in order for you to succeed.⁠ You need to place that oxygen mask on yourself first before you can adequately save someone else’s life. Help yourself so you can help others!